Saturday, December 27, 2008

So Sick

No, not the song, like really. It's been a rough, rough few days coming down with a nasty cold. Bahhh.

I never liked the idea of being 'comfortable' in any position, but its hard to avoid it. Like, here's my theory: Once you reach that comfort level in a relationship, that's when you lose them. Once you are comfortable with your wealth, it's gone with a blink of an eye. Once you're comfortable with your health, it'll take one sickness to make you realize how grateful your well being is.

My mama fed me good when I was a kid. Thanks to her I've been truly blessed to have great health all along. But no matter how healthy you are, once you set in your comfort zone, and start to get lazy in taking care of yourself, it'll hit you hard. And I'm the type I'll get sick once in a couple of years but I'll almost be in coma-status.

I'm glad I'm sick now before I face my bid. But just another reminder we should never take our health forgranted...I'll update the things I did on Christmas and so forth later. In the meantime, I can't wait for mama to fix me up a soup...

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