Monday, December 29, 2008

Food To My Soul

Welcome home, Umma! :)

My whole Paris ordeal wasn't entirely as I mapped it out to be, the way I meant to spend quality time with my parents one last time, when my mom unexpectantly had to go to Korea for three long months to oversee our estate. Yeah, not exactly how they planned it out to be as well when 5 years ago we predicted this new property would be a money maker with the economy booming.

Well, we weren't even planning on renting it out nor selling it in the first place. This was supposed to be the home all of our family would move into afterall being as spacious as it is and brand spanking new. But the way our family had been scattered in different places, timing wasn't so right for that. Timing wasn't right as well when the economy took a plunge and it took as long as it did, well, moreso fortunate that it didn't take any longer to rent it out.

The three months again, I mention. During those times I realized what a family without a mother must be like, or those real families who lost their mothers in the middle of their lives. Though I understood within time, people are all meant to adapt to their surroundings and make up for the loss (just like me and my pops have), it is never to say that her presence was never felt. No one can replace the love, care, affection and tenderness like a mother can give. I couldn't picture my life without her.

Now from here on out, with just more than a week left for me to go to Korea, 97.8% of my time will be dedicated to her. I just hope we both overcome this nasty cold we individually came down with to truly enjoy the last week before take off.

I love you umma, you are very well the food to my soul.

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