Sunday, December 7, 2008


There's three general expectations of living life.

1. You expect the worst; consequently hoping every situation turns out better than you have anticipated.
2. You expect nothing; living every moment as a surprise.
3. You expect the best at all times; believing expecting the best is the only way to bring out the best.

For the majority of my life leading up to my current age, I was a firm believer of the 'expecting the worst, hoping for the best' attitude. I always thought that's how I'd stay satisfied with most life occurences. Everything seemed to turn out better than how I ever measured it to be. However, recently I thought I'd put that attitude behind me because in a way it was a negative energy. I held the bar so low that sometimes that's the most I'd get. So I turned it around and started to expect the best. I woke up each morning expecting a good day. Even in the days where all things could go wrong, I never labeled it a bad one until the last moments before sleep 'cause there was still hope that I could reverse my fortunes. It could get tough though, getting a good day everyday out of your life. I ask myself how I could stay balanced and live it thorough? To me, living frugally on surprise each and every step of the way is what i enjoy most.

How do you live yours?

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