Couple things to address;
- My brother survived the cut!!! His company was laying off 10% of its workforce and today was the nerve racking d-day. I always believed in him and I have never wavered my confidence in him. Congrats brotha!!!
- The bid date is set! January 20th, 2009 sets the day I truly begin my 'rebuilding' process. I will elaborate on that soon on my coming blogs. But for now, it feels good to have clarity because the waiting game was far more grueling.
- It's simply amazing the things that happen when you think positive. I believe it's our way of showing God our appreciation for him and in turn he blesses us in more ways than we give him.
- I want to recite a lyric that always hits me hard whenever I listen to it. From the segments of 'No matter what' by T.I.;
"God'll take you through hell just to get you to heaven,
So even though it's heavy the load I will carry,
Grin and still bear it, win and still share it..."
"Life can change your directions, even when you ain't planned it,
All you can do is handle it, worse thing you can do is panic,
Use it to your advantage, avoid insanity manage,
To conquer every obstacle, make impossible possible,
Even when winning is illogical losing is still far from optional..."
"Facin' all kinda time, but smile like I'm fine"
1 comment:
hmm...i like your blog kyu. :)
its jackie, btw.
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